There’s precious little time left to finalize your plans for marketing in 2014, so let’s get our predictions in in time for you to act upon them. What we have here are five trends in online marketing which will dominate in 2014. Some of have been coming for a few […]
Newsflash! – Pinterest Traffic Converts Like Gangbusters! It might be easy to dismiss Pinterest as just another photo sharing site and leave it at that. That could be a costly mistake! What started out as a cooler version of Flickr has developed into a traffic and conversion goliath that’s beating […]
How to Use Videos and Photos to Get More Followers! Let’s face it, everyone today would rather watch a video, scan an image or gaze into an infographic. Like it or not, reading is out, viewing is in. With more than 300 million photos uploaded to Facebook every single day, […]
Hi everyone. My name is Nathalie Nahai. I’m the web psychologist, and today I’m on Whiteboard Friday. So I’m going to be talking with you about web psychology, which is a term that I coined in 2011 to describe the empirical studies of online behavior. It draws from various different […]
How Can Your Business Use Mobile Marketing? You know you have to embrace mobile marketing as an fundamental piece of your online business, but just can’t wrap your head around how to begin. Everyone you know, and probably you too, are glued to their mobile devices 24/7. Anyone with eyes […]
According to statistics, an overwhelming 78% of consumers research about products and services on the Internet before buying locally. The message consumers are sending local business owners is therefore clear: be visible online or get ready to close shop. A lot of business owners have responded to this message by […]
More and more consumers are using the Internet to search for products and services in their area. Sadly, local businesses are struggling to keep up with the trend. They are finding it more and more difficult to stay visible to potential customers online. On the other hand, a select […]
Do you still think that a listing on the yellow pages is enough for prospects to find your local business? If so, this is a wake-up call. The truth is this: paying customers are finding more and more ways to research products and services in their area. Widespread Internet access […]
Did you know that within the social media space, there are conversations happening at this very moment that will define your brand? If you don’t capitalize on this vast and growing landscape, your competitors will, and you won’t like the outcome. Watch the video:
Social media optimization is a marketing strategy that’s simply too important to ignore. Social networks are growing steadily and they are providing small businesses an opportunity to reach out to a bigger audience. In today’s online world, you would need to be thriving socially if you want your business to […]